Stockton Unified School District
District Location
701 North Madison Street
Stockton, CA 95202-1634
Phone: (209) 933-7000
Superintendent: Steven Lowder
Superintendent's Email:
Schools in the Stockton Unified School District
- Adams Elementary
- Alexander Hamilton Elementary
- Alternative Elem.
- Aspire APEX Academy
- Aspire Langston Hughes Academy
- Aspire Port City Academy
- Aspire Rosa Parks Academy
- August Elementary
- California Virtual Academy @ San Joaquin
- Cesar Chavez High
- Cleveland Elementary
- Commodore Stockton Skills
- Community Services High (Cont.)
- Continuation High
- Conway Child Development-Schoo
- Coretta King CDC
- District Special Education
- Dolores Huerta Elementary
- Dr. Lewis Dolphin Stallworth Sr. Charter
- Edison High
- Edward C. Merlo Institute of Environmental Studies
- El Dorado Elementary
- Elmwood Elementary
- Fillmore Elementary
- Franklin High
- Fremont Middle
- Fundamental (3R)
- Garfield Elementary
- Gateway High (Alter. Ed.)
- George W. Bush Elementary
- George Washington Elementary
- Golden Valley Continuation
- Golden Valley Elementary Community Day
- Golden Valley High (Cont.)
- Golden Valley Secondary Community Day
- Grant Elementary
- Grunsky Elementary
- Hamilton Middle
- Harrison Elementary
- Hazelton Elementary
- Health Careers Academy
- Home Instructions
- Hoover Elementary
- Independent Learning Ctr. (Cont.)
- Institute of Business, Management, and Law Charter
- Jackson Elementary
- James Urbani Institute of Language Development
- Jane Frederick High
- Jefferson Elementary
- John C. Fremont Elementary
- John Marshall Elementary
- Kennedy Elementary
- King Elementary
- Kohl Open Elementary
- Lafayette Elem.
- Leadership Public Schools-Stockton
- Madison Elementary
- Marshall Middle
- Martin Luther King Child Devel
- Maxine Hong Kingston Elementary
- McKinley Elementary
- Monroe Elementary
- Montezuma Elementary
- Moses Rodgers Virtual Learning Center
- Nightingale Charter
- Open School
- Oxford Street (TMR & Child Dev
- Pacific Horizons High (Cont.)
- Pacific Law Academy
- Pittman Charter
- Preschool
- Primary Years Academy
- Pulliam Elementary
- Rio Calaveras Elementary
- Roosevelt Elementary
- San Joaquin Elementary
- School for Adults
- Sierra Vista Child Development
- Spanos (Alex G.) Elementary
- Stagg Senior High
- Stockton Collegiate International Elementary
- Stockton Collegiate International Secondary
- Stockton High
- Stockton Intermediate
- Stockton Junior High
- Stockton Mdta Center
- Stockton Unified Early College Academy
- Taft Elementary
- Taylor Leadership Academy
- TEAM Charter
- Tyler Skills Elementary
- Urbani Institute
- Valentine Peyton Elementary
- Valenzuela Elementary
- Van Buren Elementary
- Victory Elementary
- Walton Development Center
- Washington Elementary
- Weber Institute
- Webster Middle
- Wilhelmina Henry Elementary
- Wilson Elementary
- Woodruff ROP